Saturday, November 22, 2008

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"Finding a Fix for the Housing Market." A presentation from Robert Shiller, Professor of Economics, Yale University & Co-Founder of the S&P/Case Shiller Home Price Index & MacroMarkets

"What's Up With Wall Street?" A presentation from Andrew Ross Sorkin, Founder and Editor of Dealbook & Chief Reporter on Mergers and Acquisitions, The New York Times

"Finding Capital to Fund Your Dreams" A conversation with Fred Wilson, Venture Capitalist, Union Square Ventures and Jordan Levy, Partner, Softbank.

"Building Your Personal Brand in Challenging Times" A presentation from Gary Vaynerchuk, Founder & Director of Operations,

Real Estate Connect NYC 2009 has assembled the best speakers and cutting edge topics to help you get through the most challenging market in history. Click here to see the full conference program.

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Henry’s Paulsons Newest 700 Billion Defensive Comments

Henry’s Paulsons Newest 700 Billion Defensive Comments
November 15, 2008 · 4 Comments>
Today, I wanted to take a moment to touch on excerpts of this weeks interview with Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson’s interview defending his decision to change how the $700 billion financial bailout fund is used, telling CNBC that the spreading credit crisis forced the government to focus on injecting capital directly into banks instead of buying up toxic mortgage assets. ( I will share at a later date, my personal thoughts on the mortgage shake up - Robin Weirich, e-Propertylinks.)
Paulson stated in his interview. “We have this limited pool of resources—big, but limited, $700 billion; how do we use that, to gain maximum impact, is by putting capital in (banks).” He also said the money could be used to shore up markets for scrutinized consumer debt such as car loans, student loans and credit cards, which could help restore credit flows to U.S. households. What changed was when we saw the commercial paper markets freeze up altogether, so good, mainstream corporations weren’t able to raise money. For more on this statement, click:
Paulson told a news conference on Wednesday .
Setting up a system to buy up the bad mortgage debt from financial institutions also had become cumbersome, and Paulson said the Treasury needed to act quickly to stabilize the credit markets. As a result, the Treasury began to use the fund—known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP—to inject capital directly into banks.
“The major purpose of the TARPwas to stabilize the financial system, first and foremost, and the number two, to get lending going,” Paulson added. “I think the system has been stabilized. I don’t think people are going to bed at night wondering which major financial institution might have a problem.” ( Itotally disagree! - Robin Weirich )
Still, the change in strategy has been sharply criticized in Congress and Wall Street. Earlier Friday, a House committee took one of Paulson’s deputies, Neel Kashkari, to task for what one member said was “a bait and switch.” Paulson again deflected such criticism, saying he was obligated to change strategies as the situation changed. “You’re never going to get me to apologize for being so prudent as to change a strategy when the facts change, and to do it in a way that protects the taxpayer,” he said
( We have all figured out, he isn’t going to admit that his administration made any errors in Judgement in the moves they took or that the knee jerk reactions they took daily enabled this crisis to escalate to the levels it is today - Robin Weirich, e-PropertyLinks ) Please either post your comments on this bailout plan or e-mail me directly at Robin Weirich
Robin Weirich CBW

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Gum drops and Rainbows

So, I am sure you are like everyone else and are tired of the media talking 24/7 about the failing economy. It doesn't take the media to let you know that we as an industry are in dire straights right now. All you have to do is drive up and down any main street in any town and see the For Lease signs up everywhere or national chains, rolling up the carpet and tossing in the towel. Every 3rd house is for sale right now that I pass. I have worked in this industry for 13 years. long before credit scores were the tool of trade today ( that is another day's topic ) and have not seen the skies quite this cloudy and having come from the mid west, the skies look like there is a storm a brewing...

Now, you can take shelter and make sure the storm doesn' get you and be all safe and sound in your warm cozy home or you can get out there, work in the midst of the storm and ride it out. By doing so, others will come out and join you once they see you haven't melted or been struck down by lightening. Activity breeds activity. You can either choose to be a victim and be paralyzed by the media and the minute to minute blows you are hearing from every source or you can choose to just simply put on a your head set, tune out the negativity and go to work.

You will not be able to survive this storm by sitting in a warm secure place, you have to venture out and push forward. As a small business owner of another company that is in the financial lending side of this business, I have seen over 60% of my competitors roll up the carpet and call it a day. Toss in the towel, get a job waiting tables, selling suits etc. I have looked some days at my employees that show up day after day when sometimes there isn't work for them to do, but they and I know that it may not be gum drops and rainbows in our market right now, but the alternative of calling it quits and sitting at home glued to the TV isn't going to put food on our tables, close the loans for their clients or build trusting relationships within their real estate community.

As an employer in an industry that is now considered damaged goods, it would be easy for us to just walk and do something else, but who would really benefit from the that other than the media that has so willingly used this industry as the scape goat for the fall of the global economy. No one and we would be quitters and I don't know about you, but I don't quit nor do I give up. We are all here for a reason, to work, make an honest living, take care of our clients, build long lasting relationships with our peers and feel good about what we accomplished that day before we go to sleep.

There is enough business out there for all of us, we should not bail on our industry, any part of it. Instead we need to work together to make a united team and navigate through this storm. By doing so we will be rewarded with a great Spring where we will start to see improvement in Housing. I can hold my head up high when I say I work in the Real Estate Industry and the Financial Industry.

Robin Weirich CBW

( Also owner of Island Financial Group, Inc., a National Commercial & Residential Loan Brokerage Firm established in 1998 )

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Caution... Drama Queen Ahead!

Got your attention now didn't I? Well, Iam not sure how your week is going but that caption should give you and idea of how mine is. I have worked in this industry for 13 years. I have never during all that time had to deal with so many inconsistencies in underwriting or processing as I do today.

The poor borrower is being so over protected by changing guidelines, they no longer qualify to buy a shoe box with out a passport, verified through 5 sources, photo ID, SS card, Green card...wait is that a green card...well now lets ask for 4 new pieces of verification to verify this green card belongs to the borrower. Now, lets talk about income, you work right? How long? How much? Who do you report to? Last year on July 12th, 2007 at 3 pm PST time, what were you doing at your place of employment? Who can the underwriter call to verify that? I see, that you have declining income in 2008 compared to 2007? Why is that Mr and Mrs borrower? No, I am sorry, the economy isn't an acceptable excuse, now I need to have 3 letters. One from you, Mr. borrower telling us why you will be a better employee and how you will work hard to impress your boss and work over time to get your income in line with 2007. Now Mrs Borrower, I need one from you that explains how you are going to also pick up a second job to bring your income in line with 2007, I know you have a broken leg, so due to that, I would suggest you look for employment in an industry were you are able to sit. The 3rd letter I will need Mr Borrower will be from your parents explaining how they raised you to do better and that they expect more of you and will apply the proper amount of parental guilt to you to ensure you work harder to impress your boss so you can make more money. Oh, I will need these to all be original and hand written with blue ink only please. Preferably a fine BIC pen. To use anything else would knock you in down in qualifying points.

Finally Mr and Mrs borrower, we need to talk about your credit score. You do understand what a credit score is in these troubled times? Right? It determines your worthiness to exist on this planet. Your level of score will determine, what part of the Country you will reside in, what part of the city, if you will live in a house or a shoe box. It will tell me what type of car you drive, what type of jewelry you buy your wife. You are forever judged by your credit score. I am sorry to tell you this, but I noticed Mrs Borrower's wedding ring is only a quarter carat stone, I have my Jewelers loupe out, so please remove the ring so I can check for imperfections. Oh..ah..ooh...well, you can have it back, it appears to be an I-2 stone with a color grade of K. This isn't looking to good. Well let's see what you have listed on your loan application under assets, I am looking to see what type of car you drive. Hmmm, this is a bit disturbing. It would appear as though your car is 5 years old and well, it is a KIA. Yes, I understand that you wanted to save your money for your down payment on your home, yes, I do understand it gets good gas mileage. I know, but really a KIA? I just don't know if we should even bother with pulling your credit score, just by looking at your application, your assets, your jewelry, the fact that when you took off your jacket and laid it on your lap, I was able to peak at the label and noticed it was Old Glory and all of us know that is a Wal-Mart label. I really think I will save you the credit check fee and suggest we talk again next year. Thank you now..

Next? Is there anyone in the lobby with an 800 credit score? Can I find an 800 in the room? Thank you and please step into the room. This gives you and idea of how my day has gone? This credit crunch and volatile times is only hurting one really important person that make the economy work. The consumer.

Robin Weirich CBW